Creme and Godley – Consequences (1977)
The first record Creme and Godley released after their departure from 10cc is a monumental, ambitious work that lasts nearly 2 hours – and it is one of my favourite records of all time. It was published 1977 in an expensive 3LP-box, probably too expensive for a number of possible buyers. I still remember it being the most expensive record i ever bought. 1991 followed a double-CD edition limited to 3000 worldwide. It was impossible to get it in a normal record shop, at last i found a used copy in a specialty shop in a foreign country and again i had to pay a real nice sum for it. With a price policy like that it is no wonder that the record always was quite rare, which is a pity because it is so wonderful.At the beginning and the end there are 2 very long instrumental parts. The first with extensive use of the gizmo, a device the two had invented to change sounds of electric guitar, from which they thought it would revolutionize the rockmusic world. But as far as i know nobody else except them ever used this thing. The second at the end “Blint´s Tune” is a parody of a classic symphony knitted together from stolen musical themes from beginning to end. Inbetween you find an audioplay with interwoven musical snippets. The story deals about Mr. Blint, a mad musician in a wheelchair who is the only person being able to save the world from going down with his music based on his weird theories (but “Blint´s Tune” reveals that it is nothing but rubbish).The whole thing is very intelligent and extremely funny from beginnig to end, the music is better than everything from them that followed on later albums. My favourite is “Sailor”, a tune that impresses with it´s simplicity.This is a masterpiece that should have a place in the top ten rock records of all time!
Review kindly contributed by Unicorn. Special thanks!
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hmmm , i bought this a couple yrs ago at half priced books here in dallas for 10 bux , NM – the LP version.
i am a big fan of 10CC , but this was just too wierd. i think i only spun it one time , but i wasnt too impressed.
[ maybe thats why ? ]
i think i`ll re visit this some , very kewl post – how obscure of you ! ..:)
Consequences is probably one of those records you either love or hate. It is definitely not the right musical stuff for lovers of 10cc hitparade music being content with 2 or 3 riffs (sorry akashaman), but demands a more intellectual listener who is ready for musical adventures.
I think it is a work of art that will still stand up in times when nobody remembers who 10cc were.
Thank you for this classic!
Godley & Creme – Consequences (1977)
Track listing
Side 1
1. Seascape – 2:51
2. Wind – 3:54
3. Fireworks – 1:00
4. Stampede – 6:14
5. Burial Scene – 3:07
Side 2
1. Sleeping Earth – 6:42
2. Honolulu Lulu – 0:56
3. The Flood – 10:19
Side 3
1. Five O’Clock in the Morning – 3:53
2. Dialogue – 4:05
3. When Things Go Wrong – 3:42
4. Dialogue – 6:40
5. Lost Weekend – 4:50
Side 4
1. Dialogue – 6:25
2. Rosie – 3:07
3. Dialogue – 1:06
4. Office Chase – 2:34
5. Dialogue – 4:17
6. Cool, Cool, Cool – 2:53
7. Dialogue – 0:07
Side 5
1. Cool, Cool, Cool (Reprise) – 0:30
2. Dialogue – 0:47
3. Sailor – 2:10
4. Dialogue – 5:10
5. Mobilization – 1:45
6. Dialogue – 2:12
7. Please, Please, Please – 1:57
8. Dialogue – 5:49
Side 6
1. Blints’ Tune – Movements 1-17 – 14:17
Thanks for this. I thought it was really entertaining. I’ve just learned to trust you completely.
I have several 10cc albums on vinyl so I am interested to hear this different Creme & Godley music.
I’ve waited many years to hear this record.
thanks for posting.
Anybody who heard this but didn’t own it, back when it came out, probably, like me, was too baked to remember any of it. Thanks for the opportunity to check it out this ambitious piece of rock history again after so many years . . .
The question is, will my MIND be able to TAKE IT!!!
Wow – I have 5 o’clock/The Flood on a single/EP somewhere: never knew they were from a whole album.
I once owned this monster. Paid full price for it in ’77 too. Sold it for a couple bucks in a move.
Too bad they sold their soul to MTV. This is a real find though!
Ah come on. This is nuts! Sarah Vaughan on “Lost Weekend ” from side 3 is quite trippy. Wow! And that Peter Cook, what a voice. Memories of the Moodys.
I bought this new when it came out. It is a classic. Deadpan Peter Cook’s voice and the interesting story behind the music. Unusual but great. I was going to post this when I saw it here so you have saved me time and given many people a chance to try something new from 50% of 10cc. Thanks.
This gets better with each listen. Has much in common with “Dark Side of the Moon” or “Sgt. Peppers”.
Very good use of the studio. Much fun.
This was once one of my holy grails. It used to be pretty hard to find. Hey, I lived in the country and only got down to D.C. once in awhile, which isn’t known as a record shopping mecca. Even the record record store
I opened wasn’t that good! I carried this though, along with the other G&C greats L and Freeze Frame. Check those out too.
Consequences takes time and is not a pop album per se, but it pays off eventually. I recommend LSD or mushrooms as a lubricant. Although, in that state you may be frightened or truly mystified or … something.
A record I’ve been hearing about for years. It is truly legendary!
Freaky Z
wow…thanks a lot for placing this album..i had it once on vinyl…lended it out, never got it back ofcourse…and the person i lended it is gone too…then i started fnding it on the internet…and i finaly FOUND!!! thanks a lot! again!!!
Well I just ejactulated.
Have owned Consequences on vinyl since it was first released – Always loved it – can’t play vinyl anymore, damn! – thought I’d never hear it again. Real big thanks.
Godley and Creme’s ‘Consequences’ should have been released again, now that the worldwide discussion about Mother Earth’s future has set off.
You could wonder whether Kevin Godley and Lol Creme were able (or keen) to predict the increasing importance of their subject.
Besides all that: now I’ve got hold of one of these rare 3000 copies of the 1991 CD release to replace the famous 1977 3-LP box, again I enjoy the sheer musical intelligence of these guys.
Like others on this forum, I value ‘Consequences’ to be one of the best concept albums ever. Ever!
This is an awesome find. I too had the original box set and of course lost it somewhere over the years – Haven’t heard it for about 20yrs!! It is one of those masterpieces.
Oh no! I found 2 copys of the box set in a Swedish record store when I was there visiting! But I didn’t buy neither of tyhem, didn’¨t¨know it was this cool. 🙁
Bought this when it came out. Still got it. A great album wonderful piece of work (not counting side six). How many albums give you 5 sides of such genius and humour. Put a pair of headphones on and lose yourself for a couple of hours. What’s wrong with that? People that critisise this have no ability to listen beyond 3minutes and slag it due to the snobbery of only having regard for anything without thought.
Great quotes too. I often tell people where I’ll be if I’m needed and where I’ll be if I’m not. No one ever gets it. I’m hoping one day someone will yell back what’s half a hair pin?
Pity so many critics have such small brains. Maybe not some of us can simply feel smug that we own the best kept secret in history of music.Oh well if your not a pigeon don’t eat corn!
I was a perennial borrower of this from my local library for years. Wonderful stuff.
Listening to the records of this right now,had it for years..went online to read about while listening..still dig it.
Got a spare 3lp box set complete with booklet too!
This album was released on my 17th birthday. I bought it then and have never stopped listening to it and loving it. It is hilarious, profound and beautiful. They really should release this again.
I was something of a 10cc fan (One Night in Paris will suddenly run through my head now and then) but I think this surpassed anything the group did by far.
I bought this as an LP many years ago – one of the early pressings. I LOVED IT… The music gets inside you. Unfortunately the vinyl has long since gone from my life and finding a CD is proving to be very difficult. My favourit track was stampede!
Bought this when it came out in seventies. Love it. I was a big 10cc fan and I found this a pleasure to listen to. Much grass and benedictine used to enjoy this record. the flood is my favourite. 10cc fans will make the connection between the sounds on consequences and 10cc songs like hot sun rock and gismo my way. tootaloo! btw, i have original vinyl and cd edition too!
Sorry but my english is very poor to whrite… But i try to post a comment!!! I love this album, i listen and dream a better world.
The image/picture in begin of the page is a cover on album of RUSH? I think to see that picture later… Thanks…
I’m Brazilian Headbanger…
masterpiece indeed, if you’re using then join my group about this album:
This Mortal Coil did use the gizmo on one (maybe 2?) albums and I do recall the gizmo used elsewhere. Not sure if they can be found anymore.