Edip Akbayram & Dostlar – Nedir Ne Degildir (1976)

A later gem from the Turkish scene of the 70s — one that’s got a bit more funky touches than earlier Anatolian rock! There’s still a fair bit of Eastern styles running through the mix, but most of the rhythms are really straightforward and use heavy basslines that really set the groove nicely — a bit psychedelic, but almost more funk-inspired at times — jamming in a way that’s progressive, but never too noodly. The blend is a great one, and makes this record one of the best for those searching out the funkier side of the Turkish scene — and this version has 4 bonus tracks added to the original record! Titles include “Yaralarim”, “Arabam Kaldi Yolda”, “Adam Olmak Dile Kolay”, “Birak Beni”, “Dar Agaci”, “Mehmet Emmi”, “Haberin Varmi”, “Affetmem Seni”, “Sen Actin Yarayi”, and “Zalim Zalim”. (dustygroove.com)

1. Yaralarim
2. Arabam Kaldi Yolda
3. Adam Olmak Dile Kolay
4. Dar Agaci
5. Kolum Nerden Aldin Zinciri
6. Ayrilik
7. Birak Beni
8. Haberin Varmi
9. Mehmet Emmi
10. Kaslarin Karasina
11. Affetmem Seni
12. Sen Actin Yarayi
13. Kahpe Felek
14. Zalim Zalim

Edip Akbayram & Dostlar – Nedir Ne Degildir [Audio CD]

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3 Responses

  1. jmmv54 says:


  2. greetings
    amadeus 🙂

  3. icastico says:

    Great pot.
    A belated thanks for this one.

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