Galwad Y Mynydd – Galwad Y Mynydd (2007)

Galwad Y Mynydd – Galwad Y Mynydd (2007)

2007 release, the third installment in Finders Keepers’ critically acclaimed Welsh Rare Beat series, combines the two ultra rare Galwad Y Mynydd EPs from the early ’70s on one CD for the first time ever! Galwad Y Mynydd defined a Dyfed-centric harmonic gentle vocal sound. Galwad Y Mynydd (The Call of The Mountain) ticked all the right boxes in their quest to deliver in their own words ‘a new style of contemporary Welsh folk music’. They were, however, never to achieve their ambition of becoming a fully formed professional outfit, rather they were the opening act of a scene of bands that eventually morphed into smooth folk rock college super group; Hergest.


1. Cân Cadwaladr
2. Un Cynnig Olaf
3. Niwl y Môr
4. Galwald y Mynydd [Instrumental]
5. Merch yn Eistedd Ar y Bryn
6. Byth yn Mynd yn Ôl
7. Nid Yr Hen Gwestiynau Oedd Wrth y Lliw
8. Mynd i Bysgota

Galwad Y Mynydd – Galwad Y Mynydd (2007)

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1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    Liked the one song I heard thus far. Thanks!

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