Gordon Wasson – Mushroom Ceremony Of The Mazatec Indians Of Mexico (1957)

Gordon Wasson – Mushroom Ceremony Of The Mazatec Indians Of Mexico (1957)

Folkways Records FR 8975, this is a US pressing of the impossible to find “Mushroom Ceremony Of the Mazatec Indians Of Mexico”. This recording, made by Gordon Wasson in 1956, attempts to chronicle a religious ceremony involving the ingestation of psychedelic mushrooms by Indians who are attempting to communicate with the Divine Spirit. Lots of wild, hallucinatory chanting and the like, which might even appeal to fans of phonetic sound poems or dadaist utterings. Another unusual historical document that only Folkways would have released. The originals came out in 1957 with a blue cover and this press has the tan cover from 1966. “HERE IS A SHAMANIC PERFORMANCE COMPLETE. DR WASSON, A PIONEER IN THE STUDY OF THE ROLE OF MUSHROOMS IN RELIGIOUS RITUAL, GIVES US A TRANSCRIPTION OF AN AUTHENTIC “CONSULTATION” OF THE SACRED MUSHROOM, IN SOUND. THE OCCASION WAS THE ILLNESS OF A YOUTH. THE MUSHROOM, THROUGH THE MOUTH OF MARIA SABINA, A FEMALE SHAMAN, DECREED THAT THE BOY MUST DIE. HE HEARD THE BAD NEWS AND DIED DAYS LATER. DR. WASSON TAPED THE ENTIRE VELADA. DR. WASSON IS ABLE TO PROVE THAT THE WORDS AND UNDOUBTEDLY THE CHANT ARE PRE-CORTES, GOING BACK FOR MANY CENTURIES. NOTHING LIKE THIS RECORD HAS BEEN DONE FOR THE NEW WORLD; IT IS RIVALED IN THE OLD WORLD ONLY BY THE VEDIC CHANTS OF INDIA”. Recorded by V. P. & R. G. Wasson in Huautla de Jiménez, in the Mazatec Mountains in the northern corner of the State of Oaxaca, July 21, 1956

1. Chjon Nka
2. Chjon Nka Catsin
3. Santo…nana
4. Papa Papai
5. Na Ai – Ni Tso
6. Santo…Ji nai…na
7. Jan Jesu Cristo
8. Ji Nai
9. San Pedro
10. Soso Soso
11. Name of Plants
12. Pedro Martinez
13. Don’t Be Concerned, Old One
14. Birds
15. Humming, etc.
16. Soft Singing
17. Finale

Maria Sabina: Her Life and Chants

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13 Responses

  1. . says:

    Hi! Just wanted to say hello to you and to tell you that at my blog I posted Volume 4 My Tribute To Blogs and it was your turn now. Thanx for great music you post. Tribute to Garden Of Delights you can see @

    RockAnthology 🙂

  2. THANKS! Can’t wait to hearthis!!

    GREAT BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Fantastic! Rare album.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Interesting! I’ve read about it many times but never thought to hear it thank you for such a rare find

  5. Anonymous says:

    Yes, thanks… but there is always a strange feeling of being ‘second hand’ and that it’s not just to hear this as person for ‘outside’…


  6. Anonymous says:

    Yes thanks… but with these recordings it always remains a feeling of behaving ‘injust’ hearing these things as outsider…


  7. anna says:

    came across your great blog .. an d rested here for a looong while..great stuff and good bits of writing and this is a great find … i shall come by here again ! much warmth

  8. Anonymous says:

    this IS available: http://www.smithsonianglobalsound.org/trackdetail.aspx?itemid=27318

    thanks for posting it! I’m running out to purchase it now!

  9. Anonymous says:

    this is a great blog

  10. xs says:

    archive.org is hosting this album!!

  11. omnibolg says:

    this post keeps on giving. thank!!

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