The Illusion – The Illusion (1969)

The Illusion – The Illusion (1969)

An Italian – U.S. band, based in Long Island, New York, who played heavy rock with some psychedelic influence. The band were formed as The Five Illusions by the lead singer John Vinci as a senior in high school in 1964 (thanks John Vinci for leaving a comment). They enjoyed some minor chart success, and their albums were produced by the famous Jeff Barry. Good album and some cool guitar work.

John Vinci – vocals
Richie Cerniglia – lead guitar
Mike Maniscalco – rhythm guitar, keyboards
Chuck Adler – bass
Mike (Sylvester) Ricciardella – drums, percussion


1. Did You See Her Eyes
2. Talkin’ Sweet Talkin’ Soul
3. Just Imagine
4. Run Run Run-Willy Gee
5. I Love You Yes I Do
6. Alone
7. Charlena
8. Why Tell Me Why-The Real Thing
9. You Made Me What I Am

The Illusion – The Illusion (1969)

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26 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Been looking for this one forever. Bless you -nothing to sneeze at!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanx a lot really.

  3. ricardo says:

    a long time search this cd.
    saludos desde Chile

  4. Anonymous says:

    The Illusion and Together as a Way of Life – Are they available on c.d.???? I would love to have both.

  5. I don’t belive any Illusion is available on CD. I had to “digitize” my old copies of their LPs to play at the station where I DJ.

    If It’s So
    (their 3rd effort, I believe)is also a great one…


  6. Anonymous says:

    Were can I buy a CD of this alblum can somebody out there help me please E-mail at this was a great alblum it,s on Steed records.Ablum #ST 37003v Tiltle the Illusion Side One Did you see her eyes.

  7. Mike S. says:

    My gratitude knows no limit. You have brought me back to the Action House, Leonés, the Bay Lounge, the Barge, etc. One of the greatest live bands of all time! -Mike S. Former Rosedale Resident. I will remember you when I’m king

  8. blind owl says:

    I saw these guys at The Bay Lounge In Far Rockaway. Their attempts at psychedelia didn’t match their straight out Rock which really seemed to be their strength.

  9. Anonymous says:


    This is John Vinci, lead singer of the Illusion. Thank you very much for including us on your blog. There is one small error, which I think is important. You mentioned that the band was formed by Bruce Brandt. Not only was it not formed by him, but I don’t even know who he is. I formed the band in 1964 as a senior in high school called the Five Illusions.

    Thank you,


  10. Anonymous says:

    just a quick note to all the members of the illusion. thank you… thank you for being a huge part of the best years of my life. you guys brought such joy and good times to me and my friends back in the late 60,s. we went wherever you were. the action house, leoni,s, the bay lounge,etc..i was there at the action house the night you played before the sly and the family stone. you were unbelievable. i don,t know how they took the stage after you were done. the ultimate was when you and the vagrants were on the same show. incredible!!! again, thanks for the great memories…..tom considine

  11. bonedriva says:

    Hi , I have looked for this Illusion for so long . I had it back about 1970 and lost it . Now I’m older and it brings back such good memories and I wanna hear it again . Is there any way you might consider reposting it ?

  12. Jim Caparosa says:

    I would love to get copies of their albums on CD, if anyone can do it let me know. Thanks – e-mail me :

  13. Yesaholic says:

    Please – can anyone repost this – I can;t find it anywhere. I saw these guys many a time at the Mystic Colossus in Howard Beach!

  14. dakota1955 says:

    Hey, can anyone tell me where I can download the album with “Did You See Her Eyes”? I have the other two but am missing this one. This is the best band to come out of the 60s, period! Thank you.

  15. dakota1955 says:

    Can someone PLEASE repost the Rapidshare link so it works? Please, please, please?

  16. DK says:

    I came in late, but also would dearly love to listen to “Did You See Her Eyes” once again. Oh the memories!!! Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  17. Cabinboy says:

    email me if you would like this again, i know how hard it is to find this music,

  18. J2U says:

    The best work by far in my opinion was If it’s So, in 1970. In the midwest every garage band worth it’s guitar strings played Did you see her eyes. The airplay it received burned me out on it so I was unimpressed until I found a copy of If It’s So in a cut out bin at the local record store. One side of that album and I was blown away. It was on the same level as Pink Floyd or Supertramp with wonderful harmonies and gentle flowing melodies then it kicked your ass! I’d love to find a torrent, I’ve got two copies of the record but no player so I can’t digitize it and upload. Sorry.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Saw and followed band before they recorded,they played at a club called Unganos in the city.I can
    recall the first set like it was yesterday starting
    with Reach Out/Hey Joe/Purple Haze/Foxy Lady
    and if were fortunate Mike sang Young and in love
    The outfits were 8 button pinstripe jacket with flared
    stripe pants and the shoes were called granny shoes
    because of the high heel.I also saw them at Harlows/
    The Scene and they opened at the Filmore for the Fudge
    If anyone goes back this far let me know!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Saw and followed band before they recorded,they played at a club called Unganos in the city.I can
    recall the first set like it was yesterday starting
    with Reach Out/Hey Joe/Purple Haze/Foxy Lady
    and if were fortunate Mike sang Young and in love
    The outfits were 8 button pinstripe jacket with flared
    stripe pants and the shoes were called granny shoes
    because of the high heel.I also saw them at Harlows/
    The Scene and they opened at the Filmore for the Fudge
    If anyone goes back this far let me know!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Used to go to a pool hall on Jamaica Ave and the owner said he was related to you guys.Any truth to this story? I believe his name was Eddie Lapasota.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I have aquired two of “The Illusion” albums on cd (the self titled & If It’s So). I’m still looking for “Together (As A Way Of Life) on cd. I used to scour the bins at many record stores all over southern Ontario and was very succesful finding obscure and deleted cd’s. I don’t believe in bootlegs but if the record companies aren’t interested in producing a digitally remastered official cd then what are serious fans to do? So if anyone wants to email me to discuss making your dreams come true you can reach me at
    cheers for now……and keep up the great service Garden Of Delights…’re definitely appreciated!

  23. Anonymous says:

    I also saw them perform at Unganos in the City in the Sixties. They were great. Weren’t they the first band to sing “Kind of a Drag”? Does anybody remember this?

  24. kind of a drag was by the buckinghams–illusion
    had a great impact for all of the guys from the lower east side–there was no distance we wouldn’t go to see them-shout out to Ronald for cutting our hair way back
    we just pointed to their picture on the wall and said I want that

  25. Tom M says:

    I use to see the band at the Action House and Leones in Long Beach where I am from. Can’t understand why these guys never went to the top of the charts.
    They always attracted good looking woman when they played. Great times.

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