The Moody Blues – Days Of Future Passed (1967)

The Moody Blues – Days Of Future Passed (1967)

This 1967 album was one of the first of the progressive rock genre. The first mainstream release to feature a rock band and orchestra playing together, and being a linked suite of songs on a common theme, this of course spawned the massive hit single “Nights In White Satin.” It also includes the haunting “Tuesday Afternoon”, and the frankly evil sounding ‘Twilight Time’. A groundbreaking album in rock and roll history, and one everybody should own. Although not the first concept album ever (that honour may fall to Joe Meek’s “I Hear A New World” seven years earlier) it’s fair to say all that was ever regarded as ‘prog’ started here, although the band themselves never liked the term and of course moved away from it into an AOR-MOR direction. Nevertheless, this album is as important as ‘Sgt Pepper’ ‘Pet Sounds’ ‘Forever Changes’ ‘SF Sorrow’ ‘Odessey And Oracle’ ‘Ogdens Nut Gone Flake’ and ‘Village Green Preservation Society’, and to count the amount of bands its sound influenced would take a whole week.
(Freak Emporium)


1. The Day Begins
2. Dawn, Dawn Is A Feeling
3. The Morning, Another Morning
4. Lunch Break, Peak Hour
5. The Afternoon a) Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?) b) (Evening) Time To Get Away
6. Evening a) The Sun Set b) Twilight Time
7. The Night – Nights In White Satin

The Moody Blues – Days Of Future Passed (1967)

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7 Responses

  1. mulungo says:

    this one is missing in my collection

  2. Anonymous says:

    groundbreaking album

  3. romulo says:

    amazing masterpiece of symphonic rock

  4. Anonymous says:

    Blast from the past.

  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Anonymous says:

    Truly a wonderful record that had a huge influence on me as a tunesmith (how DID I get into a punk band, lol?)… I love the way the band / orchestra crossfade into each other – picking up on each others themes and melodies.

    And EVERY tunes a winner too – which you can’t say about these new fangled records they’re churning out these days. Am I turning into an old f**t?

    I must say this Blog has excellent taste!

    Captain Sensible (that Damned guitarist)

  7. Anonymous says:

    hi g here just bought a days of future passed by moody blues for 10p at car boot sale its the deramic sound system stereo sml 707 decca record orginal please could someone give me the value of my record thanks

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