Various Artists – Wizzz: Psychorama Francaise (1968 – 1971)


Various Artists – Wizzz: Psychorama Francaise (1968 – 1971)

Rare Psychedelic French Tunes from the 60’s and 70’s

Love the French or hate ’em, it’s virtually impossible to deny the appeal of vintage French pop — ya-ya this and go-go that, the best stuff’s a mind-bending fusion of sunshine pop, psychedelic soul, and sleazy cabaret, a Eurotrash celebration of sex and drugs presumably fueled by same. Wizzz: Psychorama Francais 1966-1971 is a fantastic retrospective that captures the sheer excess of its era, musical and otherwise — the songs stagger across the tightrope separating Now Sound grooves and blaxploitation funk, complete with fuzz-soaked guitars, deep bass, squawking horns, and thick, swirling organs. Charlotte Leslie’s opening “Les Filles C’Est Fait” (roughly translated, “Girls Are Made to Make Love”) perfectly sets the musical and lyrical tenor for what follows, with a soulful swagger strangely reminiscent of Dobie Gray’s Northern Soul classic “The In Crowd”; other highlights include Philippe Nicaud’s “Cuisses Nues, Bottes De Cuir,” Christie Laume’s “Rouge Rouge,” Stephane Varegues’ “Le Pape du Pop,” and Danyel Gerard’s “Sexologie.”


1. Les filles c’est fait… — Charlotte Leslie
2. Rouge rouge — Christie Laume
3. À dégager — Les Fleurs De Pavot
4. Sexologie — Danyel Gerard
5. Je m’ennuie — Richard De Bordeaux
6. Champs Élysées — Christiene Pilzer
7. Exitissimo — William Sheller
8. Le papyvore — Les Papyvores
9. Le pape du pop — Stéphane Varègues
10. Psychose — Messieurs Richard De Bordeaux & Daniel Beretta
11. Avec les oreilles — Monique Thubert
12. Bernadette — L’oeil
13. La drogue — Messieurs Richard De Bordeaux & Daniel Beretta
14. Cuisses nues, bottes de cuir — Philippe Nicaud

Listen to ‘Les Papyvores – Le Papyvore’:

Various Artists – Wizzz: Psychorama Francaise (1968 – 1971)

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32 Responses

  1. I always love these french compilations. Thank you very much.

  2. Holy Modal Rounder says:

    Il est le Pape du Pop, lalalaaaaaalala!

    That was a surpringsly nice compilation! I won’t blame anymore Mr Allen for moving there! (heh)

    Keep up like this, blessings.
    Holy M Rounder

  3. uncle wiggly says:

    this is great, thank you.

  4. Dwangbuis says:

    I’m exploring 60s French pop, great compilation!

  5. Mel says:

    Great blog btw!! 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    Wow. This ought to kick the crap out of skipping every 2nd song on Swinging Mademoiselles…

  7. Beazley says:

    cheers, beazley

  8. ricainparisien says:

    The Charlotte Leslie track is in fact a cover of a soul tune by the Capitols “We’ve Got A Thing That’s In the Groove”.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hi, This is a great blog and I am happy I have found it – I am using it to the MAX!!!! Thanks! Merci!

  10. Anonymous says:


    I love your site (I just discovered it)!

    Thanks for all the great music info!


  11. Anonymous says:

    Wizz is cool, but if you want a really killer 60s french comp, check out that one !:

  12. Zorro says:

    Hi, Freaklady,
    I just saw the Maria Sabina album, it is a jewel of recording : )

    I want to share an interview with Mama Julieta from Huautla de Ximenez, Oaxaca, where she speaks about the “santos niños”…

    Great blog,
    Warm Greetings

  13. alessandro says:

    thank you for this info!!!

  14. alessandro says:

    thank you for this album!!!

    discover my new blog!


  15. Anonymous says:

    Smashing comp.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Hi again. My new site: . See you all in there. //ChrisGoesRock

  17. Anonymous says:

    also check out WIZZZ Vol. 2

  18. adriana says:

    hola amigos, hug to all

  19. armeur H says:

    absolutely great ! thanks !

  20. i can’t believed you know french pop here!

  21. adriana says:

    hola amigos, hug to all

  22. Anonymous says:

    Great record. <

  23. Anonymous says:

    thanx for the great post.

  24. dakota1955 says:

    PLEASE, help me! I want the album by The Illusion with Charlena. I have the other two albums. Where can I buy it? Please. I grew up in New Jersey in the 60s and this is my favorite band. Please help.

  25. Hi,

    I run born bad records and I released this comp some years ago. I gonna reissue it in few months. JBwiz

  26. La Fint' says:

    ouais! excellente compil!!!

  27. I like French or some, like Ange.
    Very nice blog.
    Wish you all the best.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Just outrageous!

  29. Anonymous says:

    very good!

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