Various Artists – Holy Fuzz (2011)

holy fuzz

In the late 1960’s, two of the era’s major influences, rock music and a revival of Christianity by our nation’s youth, were both attracting new converts by the millions….it was inevitable that these two huge followings; would converge with a deafening roar off fuzz guitars and feedback that would be the music of this new breed of psychedelically-inspired “spreaders of the word”. This album presents songs by some of the bands that were pioneers of this great new Christian psychedlic music. Several of these bands are well known to collectors of rare vinyl, while some of the others are more obscure. All the songs on this album were specifically chosen for their guitar content…some of it mellow and subtle, and some of it…mind frying heavy fuzz. All of it…Great!

Welcome to the first edition of Holy Fuzz! (


1. The Exkursions – It’s Been Sent Down
2. Selha – Romans
3. The Bridge – Jesus
4. The Search Party – The News Is You
5. Pre-Agape – In The Light
6. Stonewood Cross – Majic Man
7. All Saved Freak Band – All Across The Nation
8. The Search Party – You And I
9. The Exkursions – Dry Ground
10. The Concrete Rubber Band – Christian
11. Pressed Down, Shaken Together And Running Over – Pressed Down, Shaken Together And Running Over.
12. Agape – Rejoice

Various Artists – Holy Fuzz (2011)

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17 Responses

  1. kevinass says:

    this is sooooo good! more please!

  2. Anonymous says:

    wow!! great music! lg, Michael

  3. Anonymous says:

    interesting xian comp.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi,I really like your blog.
    Kind regards to you all.

  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Psychofreax says:

    super collection, thanx a lot.

  7. kcjones says:

    ya i like it too 🙂 thanks

  8. Anonymous says:

    very good, ignacio

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hi, thanks for posting and keepin’ alive psychedelic music….Keep up the great work!

  10. 72custom says:

    Hey man, this is fantastic. can’t find that kind of music here in europe. thanks a lot!

  11. hirezola says:

    never heard of this album before…
    sounds interesting….thnx

  12. kcjones says:

    sounds good , thanks for posting this

  13. Rodrigo says:

    Who are you!!! Iwanto know because you really made a FANTASTIC blog.

    I’m from Brazil and I never seem nothing like before.

    You made my day a colour day…. thanks.

  14. binguero says:

    Wonderful stuff, i really like your blog. I’ve added you to my links, please take a look to my blog (, and if you like it, add me to your links too. Thanks for all the good music, keep up the good work. Cheers from Spain.

  15. ouh yeah-
    In Fuzz (I) We Trust!

    really great comp.

    Been searching for those 45s or those bands for yyeeaarss, so rare to get.


  16. Elderbob says:

    Great songs, reminders of the truth I learned, seems like, yesterday. It is more like 35 years ago. Two of these selections I have in my vinyl library. Romans 10:9 from the group, Selah and Pressed Down, Shaken Together, and Running Over from the group by the same name. (PTSTRO, is it was called by members of The Way Biblical Research Center, in New Knoxville, Ohio.) I learned a lot about the love and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of God, and the manifestations of the holy spirit through association with V.P. Weirwille and The Way Ministry. I also learned that the serpent still beguiles men and women, everyday, no matter how much word of God they know. One of the members of PDSTRO, Joe Fair, has a few videos on YouTube. Check it out.

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