Virgin’s Dream – The X-Tapes (1971) (Krautrock rarity – only 300 pressed)

Here is an ultra-rare record from a german band that sounds very different from the kraut fraction or the symphonic proggers. In their time the Virgins had cult-status in Western Germany because of their incredibly energetic live performances, nowadays they are totally forgotten, mainly due to the fact that they never released an official record (the band split up at the beginning of 1972 – just at the time when a first LP by a major record company was in planning). Everything from them that survived were some demo recordings (mostly live) that i had saved for about 30 years on a cassette-tape. Even Rolf Trenkler, former bandleader and songwriter, did not possess a single recording of his youth sins. In 1999 i gave the tape to him and he overworked and denoised it as good as it was possible. From the result a private pressing of 300 CD´s was made as a giveaway to friends; it was never sold officially. The music is quite unique, i couldn´t name another band that sounds like them. There are melodious songparts reminiscent of the wonderful UK band “Cressida” changing with very energetic and driving parts a bit in the style of early “Soft Machine” and Mr.Trenkler´s guitarplaying reminds me a lot of John Cippolina from “Quicksilver Messenger Service”. Overall the music could best be described as acid-psych of complex nature, with lots of sudden tempo and rhythm changes. The sound quality still is quite limited, nevertheless the record is a real collector´s item. If you are into sixties “Underground” stuff, don´t miss it. This is another “Garden of Delights” exclusive, you won´t find it elsewhere.

Tracklist :

1 Wake Up 1:21
2 Evening Star 3:21
3 Der Blaue Kapuzinermönch 17:19
4 Rainy day In June 9:20
5 The Well 11:34
6 El Dorado 3:44
7 The Galant Knight 3:34
8 I Am One Of Those 4:52

Review kindly contributed by Unicorn. Special thanks!

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16 Responses

  1. Rochacrimson says:

    Krautrock gem! Pedro from Portugal

  2. Colo says:

    Gracias desde Argentina, Cristian.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Great present! Thanks a lot!


  4. a real gem it is. thanks a lot to you (and obviously to Unicorn as well)

  5. dave_ says:

    Thank you!

  6. Roderick Verden says:

    I love Krautrock too. I did not know Virgen’s Dream(Beautiful name).
    I liked too much.
    Thank you, Freak Lady.

  7. fobia says:

    never heard of these guys before!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Tony, Italy

  9. RYP says:

    I CAN’T BELIEVE IT, NO I CAN’T! My absolute fave local band (Essen/Ruhrgebeat/Germany) in the sixties the Virgin’s Dream here with a record! I remember exactly they played very often in the cellar of the f*ckin’ “Jugendzentrum” for us freaks, with a selfmade lightshow (a dia projector and a colored rotating wheel in the front). The band broke when Sandy (the bassist?) went to W/Berlin for hiding themselves from the “Bundeswehr” (military). Before the Virgin’s Dream, Rolf had a beat band called “Jim Knopf & The Screamers” and at that time we wasted our time at school, the “Gymnasium Essen Borbeck” and were good friends! Later, I remember, Rolf spent a time in Greece and than he was the musical director of “Das Kommödchen”, a sort of political comedy in Duesseldorf and unfotunately we lost contact. A story so far… kind regards!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Rock on,

  11. Anonymous says:

    This is good! 🙂

  12. Anonymous says:


  13. mjuza says:

    Best Regards


  14. Anonymous says:

    Hallo RYP,
    bin gerade über Deinen Kommentar gestolpert und wollte über Twilightzone Kontakt aufnehmen; leider gibt´s den Blog nicht mehr.

    Wenn Du immer noch eine Virgins Original Cd suchen solltest (natürlich kostenlos!), kannst Du mir unter oder Rolf unter schreiben.

    Neuere Aufnahmen von Rolf findest Du im Netz unter “Chupitos De Formentera”.

    Das gute alte Gymnasium Essen-Borbeck gibt´s immer noch…


  15. Anonymous says:


  16. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for the outstanding posts

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