Kennelmus - Folkstone Prism (1971)
Artist: Kennelmus
Album: Folkstone Prism
Released: 1971/1999
Label:Phoenix International Records/ Label Sundazed CD Catalog # SC 6129
Genre: Psychedelic Rock
In the early 1970s, Kennelmus was Arizona's only psychedelic surf band. Their lone debut album is one of the true rarities of pyschedelia and is presented in its original form, sans any remixes or extra tracks. The music, just as heralded as the album is rare, is an oddball head on collision of the Chantays, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Lee Hazlewood and Ennio Morricone & the Electric Prunes all rolled up into one gigantic head rush. Listing individual tracks is almost senseless as the album was conceived as one long piece of continuous music, but selections like "I Don't Know," "Dancing Doris," "Shapes of Sleep" and the closing "The Raven" have a hypnotic pull all their own. A true visionary piece or late psychedelic noodling, you be the judge, but definitely a band with a sound and a style all their own.
Folkstone Prism (37:17)
01 I Don't Know (02:27)- Uncertainty in love
02 Patti's Dream (04:31) - A sdpecial dream of love
03 Dancing Doris (03:34) - I'd dance a mile for a camel
04 Goodbye Pamela Ann (03:39) - A dancer who turned love into chaos
05 Monologue (00:52) - A beat coffe house oration on the world around us
06 Black Sunshine (02:50) - A musical sketch of a polluted world without beauty
07 Think For Yourself (02:49) - A new and unusual way to do your own thing
08 The Bug, The Goat, & The Hearse (00:42) - Many means to the same end
09 Shapes of Sleep (02:43) - Oppression takes many strange forms
10 Cloud Of Lead (00:37) - Every cloud has a lead lining... beware! The ides of maracas!
11 Mother Of My Children (02:44) - A version to the world of beauty. Emotion or love
12 1001 Twice (01:05) - A search for spiritual fulfillment
13 Sylvan Shores (02:51) - A fictitious (?) tale of a man, a messenger and the misterious bermuda triangle
14 Bulletin!!! (00:30) - The stark reality of life
15 The Raven (05:23) - The end, the beginning, the middle.