Bintangs - Travellin' In The USA (1970)
1. Ridin' On The L & N 2:43
2. Travellin' In The USA 2:54
3. Signifying Monkey 3:09
4. Downsouth Blues 2:40
5. Hound Is On The Run 4:07
6. I'm On My Own Again 2:30
7. It's All Over Now 3:18
8. Lora Lady 3:14
9. Murder 3:28
10. Snake In The Grass 1:24
11. Hobo Man 3:15
12. Wait 1:08
Bintangs - I'm On My Own Again (2001)
The Bintangs from Beverwijk were originally named Rocket Dynes and Black Phantoms. They didn't only become known for their rough, smoky Hoogoven-born sound, but also for their great number of line-up changes. In the 60's, especially in the province of Noord-Holland, they had a firm following, which, in the cities of Beverwijk and Haarlem, manifested itself in posters plastered on many walls and even a gigantic gas tank with their name painted on it. Once at the Kennemer Theater, which was the place for open-air appearances at the time, the whole floor was crushed and demolished into pieces by the over-enthusiastic fans. Despite this, the Bintangs (Malay for "stars") remained one of the most underrated groups in the Netherlands.
This is the most complete summary of the group's members: Drums: Nono Piepelenbos (59) Rob Wijsters (59-60) Fred Maas (60) Gerry Ottenvanger (60) Leo van Olfen (60) Jimmy Jansen (60-63) Henk van Besu (63-66) Peter de Leeuwe (66-67, ex-Hottlets & Moans, to Los Zomos & Ekseption) Frans Kroon (67, ex-Hamlets) Henk van Norden (67-68) Hermke Klaasen (68, ex-Blues Vocation) Harry Schierbeek (68, to Kraayeveld) Aad Hooft (68-74, to Oscar Benton) Harry Schierbeek (74).
Guitar: Klaas Holtkamp (59-60, ex-Sky Rockets) Meine Fernhout (59-68, ex-Garred Boys) Piet Maas (60-62) Peter de Leeuwe (65, ex-Hottlets, to Moans and back as drummer) Jan Wijte (65-66 and 69-70) Gus Pleines (68-69) Rob van Donselaar (70-74, to Benton) Jack van Schaik (74).
Solo Guitar: Arthy Kraayeveld (59-68, ex-Garred Boys) Jan Wijte (68-69) Arthy (69-70, then to Kraayeveld) Jan Wijte (70-72) Rob ten Bokum (72-74, ex-Panda, to Blue Eyed Bluesband) Jaap Castricum (74-75, to Dais and Arthy Kraayeveld) Ben de Bruin (75, ex-Rob Hoeke and Flash & Dance Band), Albert Schiebeek (ex-Kraayeveld).
Keyboards: Jan Wijte (67-69) Rob van Donselaar (69-74) Jaap Castricum (74-75). Bass: Frank Kraayeveld (69-70, ex-Sky Rockets) James Schab (60-62) Ronald Krom (70-74, ex-Turquoise) Frank Kraayeveld (74).
Vocals: Arthy (59-60, 62-64, 67-68 & 74) Rob Wijsters (60-62) Wil Nimisz (64-66) Gus Pleines (66-72, ex-Hottlets) James Walker (67) Frank Kraayeveld (67-70) Nico Taihutu (68, ex-Blues Vocation, to Uzi) Rob Kruisman (72-74, ex-Panda and Modesty Blaise, to Supersister), Gus (74). Harmonica: Wil Nimisz (64-66) Gus Pleines (66-67, 68-72 and 74) Jan Wijte (67-68).
Flute: Jan Wijte (66-72, to Cockney Pride) Charles van der Steeg (72-74, ex-John the Revelator) Rob Kruisman (72-74). Diversen: Fred Maas (perc, 60-62) Bill Tromp (perc, 60-62) Rob van Donselaar (steel, 69-70) Charles van der Steeg (s, 72-74, to Cuby & The Blizzards) Rob Kruisman (s, 72-74)
Disc 1
1. I'm on my own again
2. Down south blues
3. Travelin' in the U.S.A.
4. Hound is on the run
5. Riding on the L and N
6. In the past
7. It's all over now
8. Little by little
9. Agnis grey
10. Rock it little bastard
11. Smokestack lightning
12. The bride
13. The dying of Mister Fernandez
14. He didn't wanna go home
15. Is a blue bird blue
16. I'm gonna let you down
17. Mona Lisa
18. Saint Louis blues
19. Too much
20. Well then it's all right
Disc 2
21. One hundred pounds
22. Louisiana blues
23. A losing battle
24. Still a fool
25. Blues with a feeling
26. My babe
27. Blues on the ceiling
28. Lion tamer
29. (selectie)
30. Hello goodbye
31. You got love
32. We're gonna make it
33. Be rolling
34. Chicky jamboree
35. You can't judge a book by looking at the cover
36. Mustang driver
37. Take me down
38. Jambalaya
39. Lunatic
40. Wilo manger