state of mynd: Music Catalog B

Berets - Mass For Peace (1969)

The Berets - Mass For Peace (1969)

This is the American edition (1969) in english language of the famous “La Messa dei giovani”,composed by Marcello Giombini in beat style for male voices, electric guitars, bass, organ an percussions. It is the first of his 6 masses and, perhaps, his marvellous in the religious ambit. “La Messa dei Giovani” is too the first beat mass in the religious music history; infact it precedes about three years the “Mass in F minor” by Axelrod's Electric Prunes. During the precedent years, Giombini has already composed a lot of beat songs. He wanted to use this musical style, very loved by the 60’s young people, in the holy music too, always remained chained at the tradition and closed for the innovations.

There are many versions of this Mass. The 2nd italian edition, performed by sardinian group “I Barritas” (1968) had in that time large renown. So it was purposed to American people this english version, always by “I Barritas” that, in this case, toke the name “The Berets”. This interpretation is increased by Mario De Santis orchester. At the end was added the song “Non uccidere” (written in memory of Martin Luther King).


1. Introit (Ill give you peace)
2. Gloria (Glory to the Lord)
3. Gradual (With voices of joy)
4. Creed (I believe)
5. Offertory (Father, I offer you my life)
6. Holy (Holy, Holy, Holy)
7. Our Father (Who are in heaven)
8. Lamb of God
9. Communion (We give thanks to You Lord)
10. Don’t kill (I memory of Martin Luther King).